Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So it turns out I'm a horribly inconsistent blogger.  I have really good intentions, I promise! Anyway.  We've got some catching up to do.  Where to start?

I made shortbread!  And the shortbread was in the shape of elephants.  Does it get any better?

The recipe came from Pioneer Woman who is fantastic!

Here's the recipe, only 4 ingredients!

Shortbread Cookies
-2 sticks + 2T salted butter, softened
-1 C sugar
-2 C all-purpose flour
-1 C (scant) cornstarch

- Preheat oven to 325

- Cream butter and sugar together.  Sift in flour and cornstarch and blend together using a pastry cutter until all the ingredients come together.  (If mixture seems excessively dry, cut in 1 more Tbs. of butter but only if you really need it... I didn't.)

All good things start with butter!

- Form dough into a big ball, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 20 min.

- Roll onto a lightly floured surface and cut into rounds (or hearts, or elephants :).)  Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or a baking mat.  Bake for 20 minutes.  Do not allow shortbread to brown; the edges should have the faintest golden tinge.

Roll the dough, make some elephants!

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